A expert in my field that I admire

 Valentina Parra.

Doctor in Biochemistry from the University of Chile. She has additional professional research experience in three laboratories outside the country: at the University of Liverpool, University of Utah and at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas.

She has won many awards such as the L'Óreal-Unesco Award for Women in Science in 2011, the Oriana Josseau Foundation Award and the Young Talent in Life Sciences Award nomination from GE Healthcare and the Brazilian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (SBBQ) in the year 2012.

For all these achievements, because she is a young woman and because she is Chilean, I admire her as a biochemist, she is an example to follow for all women who want to dedicate ourselves to science, I met her thanks to the faculty since she is a professor of a branch of my career (biochemistry), I wish I could be a bit like her, be a recognized woman in science, do what I love and win awards for my achievements, I hope I can continue learning about her and how important she is for science.

She has several important researches on mitochondria, these researches attract a lot of attention to investigate since it is an important organelle in cells.


  1. Hello fernanda, very interesting the life of Dr. Valentina, she has a lot of experience.


  2. She has quite a few merits, which makes her a great scientist. Very good review on her!

  3. Hi Fernanda, clearly she is a great biochemistry, and It's very curious the amount prizes she has won.

  4. thanks to people like her I don't lose hope in the scientific world as a woman, an example that nothing is impossible.

  5. Hello Fer, I think what you say is very important, the fact of having an example to follow to learn much more, in addition to the motivation to continue deepening, really admirable!!


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